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So this is my first pregnancy ever, it was intentional. It’s silly because I’m 27 but I feel weird, kinda like I’m 16 and pregnant or something. I’m scared to tell my family I’m pregnant. I also have a few questions for some more seasoned mamas!
1. Is it normal that I get this weird twitchy/spasm feelin in parts of my tummy randomly?
2. Is having my first ultrasound and in appt at 8ish weeks normal?
3. Did your OB send you for OB work to test HCG levels prior to first appt?
4. The OB office told me that the father can be in the ultrasound with me but that I cannot have anyone with me in my office visit right after the ultrasound, is this normal??
5. May be weird but I always wanted twins and maybe that’s why but I feel like maybe it will be twins so wondering if anyone has twins that could give insight into possible signs that they were having twins that felt different than a singular pregnancy? (This ones just a curiosity kills the cat/wishful thinking question��)
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Hi! Congrats! So every OB is going to be slightly different, but my first time around they ordered blood work at my first appointment. My first time around the first appointment wasn’t until 10 or 11 weeks and most try to schedule the first appointment between 8-10 weeks. The pulling/ stretching random pains are normal as your uterus is expanding and making room for the growing baby. Most OB offices are small so they limit the amount of people with you this is normal. Some don’t even allow the dad back. If you want to have more people come see an ultrasound you can always schedule a private one and they allow a ton of people we have my parents, in laws, and all 3 of our brothers there for one. Last question I can’t respond to though !��
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1. Yes
2. Yes, assuming you aren’t high risk or under fertility care
3. I don’t think it’s the general rule to have HCG tested. With my first I didn’t at all, they just told me the at home tests are super accurate and then confirmed at ultrasound. With this pregnancy they did have me do HCG because I had a history of 2 miscarriages and they wanted to check that the pregnancy was progressing normally before scheduling the ultrasound.
4. I can’t tell exactly what you’re asking because of the typo but every office has different rules. I think my OB wouldn’t care who was in the room with me, but probably wouldn’t allow more than one since they’re small rooms.
5. Can’t relate lol
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